Hannah Moss & Kierstin Eaddy Scholarship:
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In an effort to honor two lives lost too soon, the Texas Track & Field Coaches Association has established two scholarships, one in the name of SMU athlete Hannah Moss and the other in the name of Kierstin Eaddy of The Shelton School. We keep their memories alive via two non-performance-based scholarships open to current high school juniors.
Scholarship Requirements & Parameters
1. Athlete must be a Rising Senior. Based on the Scholarship Timetable outlined below, the scholarship will be awarded January of the Athlete's senior year in high school.
2. Athlete's Head Coach must be a member in good standing of the Texas Track & Field Coaches Association. Membership information can be found toward the top of the Navigation bar to the left.
3. Athlete's Head Coach must nominate athlete via the process outlined below.
Both $500 scholarships are based on academic, extra-curricular and community service-oriented achievements of the athlete. Track & Field performance is not a prerequisite for either scholarship. ** [See NCAA bylaw at the bottom of this page]
Scholarship Timetable
1. June 15 -- Coach's Nomination Opens. The athlete's Head Coach must send in the completed nomination form by August 15th.
2. August 15 -- Head Coach's Nomination Form must be in the TTFCA office. Email nomination forms to ttfca@hotmail.com
All Head Coaches must now relay step #3 (the Video) to their nominees.
3. October 1 -- By October 1st, ALL candidates must have submitted a Video of no less than 1 minute and no longer than 3 minutes. Videos shorter or longer than the stated time requirements are automatically disqualified, so please be diligent with your timing. See below for Video Guidelines.
4. December 1 -- Two Winners of the Hannah Moss and Kierstin Eaddy Scholarship Announced.
5. January -- Two Winners receive scholarship award Friday evening of the TTFCA Winter Clinic ceremonies, including induction of the latest Texas Track & Field Hall of Fame Class. Each scholarship recipient will be awarded his or her scholarship by a Texas Track & Field Hall of Famer.
* Hannah Moss, a sophomore sprinter for SMU, died of natural causes on March 18, 2014. The former Austin Lake Travis track star helped lead SMU to the 2014 American Athletic Conference Indoor Track & Field Championships.
* Kierstin Eaddy passed away on July 20, 2014 after a go-kart accident at Texas Motor Speedway. A straight-A student who generously donated her time to help younger children was a student-athlete at The Shelton School.
Coach's Nomination Form MS Word / pdf
Video Guidelines MS Word / pdf
**NCAA Bylaw 15.2.6 Financial Aid From Outside Sources No Relationship to Athletics Ability. A student-athlete may receive financial aid awarded solely on bases having no relation to athletics ability. Financial Aid From an Established and Continuing Program. A student-athlete may receive financial aid through an established and continuing program to aid students, provided (Adopted 1/15/11 effective 8/1/11, Revised 4/23/14)
(a) The recipient's choice of institution is not restricted by the donor of the aid;
(b) There is no direct connection between the donor and the student-athlete's institution, and
(c) The financial aid is not provided by an outside sports team or organization that conducts a competitive sports program to an individual who is or has been a member of that team or organization.
**Scholarships are NAIA and NCAA-approved, thus there are no ramifications for an athlete's acceptance.
**Both families have given their blessings on this Scholarship.
The Inaugural (2016) Moss-Eaddy Scholarship Award Recipients are Jordan Barnes of the Life School Waxahachie and Treet Allison of Canyon HS.